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  1. David and Kathy Clark
    July 10, 2024 @ 2:35 pm

    We are very sorry to hear of Ken’s passing. Prayers for his family!


  2. Roger Franks
    July 10, 2024 @ 4:34 pm

    Many found memories of the entire Crow family. We had many years growing up in West Plains and it was always a gathering place for the extend families . Sad to hear the news of Ken’s passing, he was gone too soon. Roger Franks Family


  3. Amber(Cozort)Redburn
    July 10, 2024 @ 7:42 pm

    To the Crow Families,

    My parents, Norris & Ivene Cozort, and I extend our Deepest Sympathy to all of you on Ken’s passing. My parents knew Ken well and I knew of him with having his Mother, Allene, being my 8th Grade History Teacher. Daily may God provide peace, comfort, strength, and encouragement to each of you. We will be keeping all of you in our daily prayers and thoughts. May God bless all of you.
    In Christian Love,
    Norris & Ivene Cozort


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