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  1. Dan Roberson
    January 13, 2015 @ 11:17 am

    Richard, sorry to hear about your brother. May he rest in peace.


  2. Ron & Linda Hayes
    January 13, 2015 @ 5:08 pm

    So sorry for the loss of Don. We were just talking about him the other day, then found out he had passed away. We hope that memories of happier times with him will bring comfort to his family.


  3. Mary Evans
    January 14, 2015 @ 7:07 pm

    Richard, sorry about your brother. Sending prayers and love


  4. Susan Helm
    January 18, 2015 @ 7:52 am

    Deb, I can’t express how sorry I am for your loss. Don will be truly missed. He was a wonderful person. His strong faith,his loving spirit and his tender heart are just a couple of things that I will alway appreciate. I am grateful to have so many memories to hold onto to with You and Don. Fun times that we have shared….. Camping, dancing, singing and at Church. I have so much respect for you and your faithful attention to Don throughout his illness. He was as blessed by You as we who knew Don were blessed by him. I pray for You and all the Family in this time that you understand Gods promise and that you are comforted by his loving mercy.


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