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  1. Amber(Cozort)Redburn
    August 8, 2024 @ 4:31 pm

    William, Caleb/Cheyenne & Family, & Lori, & Doyle/Linda,

    My Deepest Sympathy to all of you on the passing of Alice. We were classmates and I got to know her when she came into the WPMS in 9th Grade as a Freshman. She was fun to be around with always having a wonderful personality and sense of humor too. I will miss her smile and the caring attitude she had towards others. At this time I will be keeping all of you in my daily prayers and thoughts. May God bless all of you.

    In Christian Love,
    Mrs. Amber(Cozort)Redburn


  2. Teresa Eldringhoff Romans
    August 9, 2024 @ 6:35 pm

    Alice was quite a gal. Saddened to learn if her passing. May she rest in peace. Condolences to Caleb and the family.


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