Della Pauline Ellett Schafer

Funeral services for Della Pauline Ellett Schafer, 48, Peace Valley, Missouri, will be held at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, February 16, 2013, at Chapel Hill Church, under the direction of Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.
Mrs. Schafer died at 9:40 p.m., Wednesday, February 13, 2013, near Peace Valley, Missouri.
She was born August 1, 1964, at Kansas City, Missouri, to Leslie Edward Ellett and Leona “Maxine” Story Ellett. She was the owner/operator of Rafters Gun Leather and enjoyed her horses and bow hunting. In 1997 she won the Amateur 3D Archery Shooter of the Year award. Mrs. Schafer was a member of New Hope Baptist Church.
She is survived by her fiancé, Rolan Norsworthy, Peace Valley, Missouri; mother, Maxine Ellett, Peace Valley, Missouri; two brothers, Leslie Dewayne Ellett, wife, Lorraine, West Plains, Missouri and Leroy Edward Ellett, wife, Linda, Peace Valley, Missouri; one sister, Leona Nichols, husband, Morris, Ashland, Missouri; and several nieces and nephews.
Her father and one brother, Dan Davis Ellett, precede her in death.
Visitation will be held from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m., Friday, February 15, 2013 at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Chapel Hill Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the family or Chapel Hill Cemetery, and may be left at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.
Loy Webb
February 14, 2013 @ 1:10 pm
My heart goes out to Maxine, Noni, Leroy and Dewayne her family and Rolan. I am blessed to have called Della friend. She will be greatly missed she always had a soft spot for people and believed the best in them. I found her to be giving to a fault. And she did love to hunt, and many a time she gave the meat to a needy family. She was always unassuming and liked to keep to the shadows. She was very proud of her craftsmanship in her leather works for Rafter S. And enjoyed going on trail rides and round ups. She was quick to laugh and we shared many many of these along with a few tears. My friend I will miss you sorely, but I know that you are safe and well in God’s arms.
Cindy Mutrux
February 14, 2013 @ 5:12 pm
Heartfelt sympathy to the family. Della, was a very nice young women. When our father passed away, she was very good to my brother & I. My heart breaks for Maxine & Leona.
Rest in peace friend.
Jerry & Mary Norsworthy
February 15, 2013 @ 8:40 am
Della, our friend and part of our family. Her smile brightened our times we spent together and will be ever with us in our prayers and our hearts.
Jerry & Mary Norsworthy
February 15, 2013 @ 8:59 am
Della, our friend and part of family. You will be missed, your smile lightened the times we spent together. You will always be in our prayers and our hearts.
Tom & Phyllis White
February 15, 2013 @ 3:28 pm
To Rolan and family, we are so sorry about losing Della. We enjoyed our visits at the hangar breakfasts. She will be missed.
Jerry Pfister
February 15, 2013 @ 10:30 pm
My acquaintance with Della began with her and Rolan attending the bi-monthly breakfast at Ron White’s hanger, I regret that our friendship was so short. My reguards to her friends and family.
Tim Garrett, Jim Winn, Elton Rambin, George Cabiness, Jay Tauber
February 16, 2013 @ 10:17 pm
Our hearts were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Della. We considered Della and Rolan to be a part of our extended family and always looked forward to seeing them when they came to Fort Smith, Arkansas. Our heart filled thoughts,prayers,and sympathy to all the family. May you find some peace in knowing how much Della was loved everywhere she went.
Tim Garrett
February 16, 2013 @ 10:55 pm
I offer my deepest sympathy, to Rolan, Della’s family and all she touched. Della was a skilled woman and made the best leather I have ever owned, She was a good friend and always a pleasure to have at my gun shows or on the radio talking holsters. She had many friends in the Fort Smith area and she will be missed by all. We will air a memorial segment dedicated to Della on Friday on High Caliber I will make Copies available to any one that want s them. She brightened our world .
Steve Schafer
March 13, 2013 @ 10:14 pm
03-13-2013 I have just learned of Della’s passing. I cannot express the emotions. Della and I were a team for nearly 20 years. In that time I was blessed to know a very special woman. Her thoughts were deep, her love for those she cared about, fore most her family, were deeper. She love the outdoors. She loved to hunt. She was the most skilled hunter I have ever known. Her encounters with monster, trophy class deer were amazing. Her house was a true trophy room. She took a mountian lion with a bow. Her encounters with hugh trophy class bull elk are only a dream to most. It was never to cold, never to far, never to late to follow a blood trail. She was all about the hunt. She was also a very skilled horsewoman. She has had some ot the best mules that ever walked. Della and I were in far south Texas looking after a ranch. A mexican showed her a new way to rope. We were coming in from checking cattle, I watched her try to rope a jack rabbit with the new loop. It was a wonderful picture. She threw the loop and it was beautiful, the loop caught the rabbits ears!!! We roped a deer while we were there. She almost penned an Ibex, but her mule lost a shoe. I watched as a horse tried to buck her off and ran up a stack of hay, he fell, and she just waited until he got up, and was still in the saddle. I could tell good stories about Della for a long time. She was a super, cool girl! She had a wit and a sense od humor that was amazing. My heart aches for her Mother. Maxine was the perfect Mother-in-Law. For her family. I cannot imagine Roland’s pain. I thought that they were a perfect match. I am so sorry for your loss Roland. May God bring peace and understanding to you’all. I will always love Della
Mike Whittington
April 2, 2013 @ 7:52 pm
I just heard this terrible news today. I have known Della through her leather business, but she was a wonderful person do business with. My deepest sympathy to her family and friends. She will be missed by many of us.