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  1. Barbara Bowles
    June 21, 2021 @ 5:58 pm

    Well spoken, expressive in documentation, so smart, so funny, well loved by many . So thankful for his friendship of many years. He loved America, cowboys, non- fiction and stealth.?Travel well buckaroo, say hello to those you meet along the way.I love you.
    Absent from the body, present with the Lord.


    • Martha Brown
      July 13, 2021 @ 4:27 pm

      Thank you so much for your kind words about my wonderful
      big brother. It’s always a comfort to know that he was well thought of. I will miss his laughter, crazy sense of humor, and quick wit. Our family has a glaring hole in it now.


  2. Susan
    June 24, 2021 @ 9:33 am

    A truly kind soul, brilliant beyond words. Many lives touched with healing and kindness.


    • Martha Brown
      July 13, 2021 @ 4:08 pm

      Thank you so much for your kind comments about my beloved brother Dr. Tom Thomas. It is very comforting to know that others who knew him thought kindly of him. He will be so missed. Martha T. Brown


  3. Melinda DeShazo Brenton
    June 24, 2021 @ 2:47 pm

    I always thought very highly of Dr Thomas, through out the years that I worked at OMC I always had very good discussions with Dr Thomas in the Cafeteria, or in passing he was a very kind man, that always had a moment to speak, which I believe displayed a much higher level of intelligence and kindness than most with his credentials. Rarely did my Dad ever comment on meeting and talking with any particular Doctors, but this man stood out to him. In the Cafeteria, they run into each other and began chatting, and later when my Dad was trying to recall his name, he said, this fella was all white hair and beard, fairly soft spoken, but, when he spoke about something he knew what he was talking about, I really liked that guy! I said, that had to of been Dr Thomas Thomas, Dad said, yes, I did hear Thomas, but thought I heard wrong. Peace and comfort to each of the family in such a great loss.


    • Martha Brown
      July 13, 2021 @ 4:11 pm

      Thank you so much for your kind comments about my beloved brother Dr. Tom Thomas. It his always comforting to know that others he knew thought kindly of him. He was a jewel too us and we miss his laughter and love.


  4. Kathy Beaty
    June 24, 2021 @ 3:43 pm

    I met Dr Thomas Thomas when I worked for Dr Clara Applegate and we went to BCH weekly to see her patients.
    He was a different kind of man that marched to his own drummer.
    May he rest in peace.
    Prayers for comfort to his family.
    K Beaty,LPN( retired)


  5. Martha Brown
    July 13, 2021 @ 4:23 pm

    Thank you so much for your kind comments and prayers for our family. Tommy was indeed one of a kind and will be so missed by this little sister and all our family. Your note was a great comfort to us.


  6. Teresa Kintner Gunderson
    February 21, 2022 @ 10:09 pm

    I just found out about this, and my heart is hurting. Dr. Thomas was one of my parents’ dearest friends (Cliff and Mary Kintner) and I have talked and laughed with him many times. He was a wonderful friend, and one of the most caring people I’ve known. This is a terrible loss to so many, but what is remembered lives – and who could forget him.


  7. Amanda Olson
    February 24, 2022 @ 4:28 pm

    He was the one psychiatrist that took the initiative to treat me as a person, and not just the problems I was having. He had a quirky and upbeat attitude, and so very much confidence that the situation I was handling was not impossible. He will always be remembered for that.


  8. C. Mooers
    August 30, 2023 @ 6:23 am

    I know this is late, but I was trying to track down Doc Thomas. He was one of our instructors and as I moved back into MO. I had been looking for him to say hi once again. I am truly sorry to see he left before I could say good bye. I have forwarded this to other students whom he taught, he is greatly missed and one of the best men we have ever known. I hope you all are doing well with his passing


  9. Tom Sikes
    July 2, 2024 @ 4:46 pm

    He spent his first 2 (or more) college years at MIT, and I know him there. A warm and appealing guy. Sorry to learn that he has departed. Tom Sikes [email protected]


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