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  1. R.Jack Garrett
    July 27, 2024 @ 7:40 am

    Jerry was a generous and helpful guy, both physically imposing and large in friendship. I enjoyed seeing him occasionally and remembering old Zizzer times. My condolences. R.Jack Garrett


  2. Amber(Cozort)Redburn
    July 27, 2024 @ 2:37 pm

    Dwayne/Brenda and Family,

    My Deepest Sympathy to you and your family upon the passing of your Father, Jerry. At this time I will be keeping all of you in my daily prayers and thoughts. May God provide each of you peace, comfort, strength, and encouragement at this time. May God bless all of you.
    In Christian Love,
    Mrs. Amber(Cozort)Redburn


  3. Amber(Cozort)Redburn
    July 27, 2024 @ 2:52 pm

    To the Keith Families,

    My parents, Norris & Ivene Cozort, extend their Deepest Sympathy to all of you on the passing of Jerry. My parents knew Jerry and are very sorry about his passing. They will be keeping all of you in their prayers and thoughts. May God bless all of you.
    In Christian Love,
    Norris & Ivene Cozort


  4. Karan Keith
    July 29, 2024 @ 12:32 pm

    To Jerry Neal’s sons and your families:
    I’m very sorry for your loss. It is difficult to lose a parent. Jerry Neal and I are cousins….. he always made my family feel welcome when we would be in town visiting. We usually went to his Cafe to eat and by the house to see everyone. Jerry Neal always had a welcoming smile. He was a good soul.
    Love your cousin.. Karan Keith


  5. Joy Skaggs
    August 8, 2024 @ 7:25 pm

    Jerry Keith was a great boss. I’m sending prayers for his family


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