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1 Comment

  1. Shannon Rogers
    June 22, 2024 @ 10:04 am

    Aunt Waukee was a true gem!! One of a kind!! Some of my favorite memories of my childhood was spent at her home. It was such a treat to get to go visit her with my Gram, Christine Stone ( Aunt Waukee’s older sister), my mom Judy Young-Stone and my cousin Rusty Stone. Aunt Waukee would always be so happy & welcoming to see us!! Rusty & myself would be so excited to go swim in Aunt Waukee’s pool which was a big water trough. It was so cool! Brent was usually home too and he, Rusty and myself would play for hours in the pool and adventuring around her place checking out all Aunt Waukee’s farm critters. We all had a blast!! Times spent at Aunt Waukee’s was some of my favorite times in my younger years.
    I will miss her greatly but I find peace in knowing she lived an amazing long happy life and now she went home to join the great ones!
    May your sweet kind heart rest in peace Aunt Waukee.
    With all my love,
    Shannon Rogers


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