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  1. Sherry Smith
    April 18, 2016 @ 5:09 pm

    Sis. Tricia,
    My heart goes out to you at this time. You and Bro. Joey was a great example to me and everyone else. Remember the days back when you came to Fairland Campmeeting in Fouke, Ar. He will be greatly missed. May God be with you now and in the days ahead.


  2. Ben Johnson
    April 18, 2016 @ 5:37 pm

    A great man has left behind a great legacy.


  3. Steve and Heather
    April 18, 2016 @ 6:58 pm

    Loving you through this, Trish – and rejoicing that we have hope in the Lord Jesus and a promise that we are bound for that home, not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.


  4. greg tinsley
    April 18, 2016 @ 7:38 pm

    tricia, many years of fond memories of our friendship with you and bro. joey, campmeetings,youth camps,and at jim dogett’ studio..were all headed to a better country… greg tinsley


  5. Pastor David Wilmth
    April 18, 2016 @ 10:00 pm

    We would like to express our sympathy for Sister Hight, and family, and the church. Bro Joey was such a inspiration to me. He was a friend and my favorite Preacher !! I always loved hearing him preach at Richlands Camp-meeting. I truly will miss him and his preaching. I wish I able to go to the viewing and funeral service, but not able to make the trip. I will always have great memories of him. Trinity Pentecostal Church, Lebanon Va.


  6. Jean Cutting Slease
    April 19, 2016 @ 12:14 am

    It is sad news that Bro. Hight has passed away. I was just thinking about him recently and was listening to music from one of his cds. I remember him when I was a child in the mid 70s. He would come and evangelize at our little Holiness church in Stroud, OK. I was only a young one not even 10. I remember very well him playing his tenor sax and that’s where I fell in love with the tenor sax myself. I truly believe he was my inspiration to play saxophone. I now play tenor at church and have since 2010. 3 or 4 years ago I found out he was at Calvary Tabernacle and contacted him inquiring about some cds. He was out of a couple of them but made me a copy from his personal collection. Those cds were and still are such a blessing to me. Bro. Hight will be missed but will continue being such a blessing to so many, even after death. Prayers for the family.


  7. Rebecca Bishop
    April 19, 2016 @ 12:57 am

    Sis Tricia,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. There will never be another Bro Joey and I’m so honored and blessed to have known him. I’ll always cherish the times y’all came and held us revivals and the love and laughter Bro Joey always had. May the Lord sustain you during this time.

    Rebecca Bishop


  8. Clayton Cooper
    April 19, 2016 @ 1:08 am

    How I thank God for the ministry of Joey & Tricia Hight! The impact on my life remains to be fully seen. Messages that have been landmarks in my walk with the Lord. I never step into a pulpit, without pausing to think “How would Bro. Joey approach this text?” No other preacher in his generation could paint such a vivid picture in your mind. What he preached, you remembered! Lord, wrap Your strong arms around Sis. Tricia. Bro. Isaacs isn’t here to hold her. She needs You Lord. Hold her close, and give her rest. Strengthen her God, as she begins this next chapter of life.


  9. Melinda McDaniel
    April 19, 2016 @ 1:13 am

    Sis. Trisha,

    So sorry for your loss. Bro. Joey will always hold a special place in my heart. May the Lord give you strength for the journey ahead. Your in my prayers. Love you!


  10. Sharon Martin
    April 19, 2016 @ 4:19 am

    Dear Trish and family. I am so sorry for your loss! You have my deepest sympathies. You are in my prayers at this most difficult time. May the peace that only Jesus can give surround you and give you comfort and rest.


  11. Barbara Wright
    April 19, 2016 @ 9:32 am

    My heart goes out to you today. You were blessed with such a wonderful Man of God. Praying for you Sis Tricia and for the families and church family. Prayers for strength and wisdom in all that is to follow. You have a wonderful support group.


  12. Davy and Paula Smith
    April 19, 2016 @ 10:49 am

    Sis. Trish, Our hearts are broken. We love you and Bro. Joey. His gift to make everyone feel like someone was amazing. You will never know how you both encouraged us through one of the hardest battles in our life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being willing to love people. We are surrounding you, your family, and your church family with love and prayers. As for Bro. Joey, “It’s not goodbye, but see you later!”


  13. The Torbert Trio
    April 19, 2016 @ 12:21 pm

    Praying the comfort of the precious Holy Ghost will strengthen, undergird & sustain you…
    Until that VERY SOON COMING DAY!!

    “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? — The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. BUT THANKS BE TO GOD, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    I Cor. 15:51-57


  14. BRO. june locklear
    April 19, 2016 @ 2:20 pm

    We love youSis. may God bless you, i loved Bro. Joey


    April 19, 2016 @ 7:50 pm

    Bro Joey preached me a great revival in 1989 at Willlow Springs Assembly of God in Pope, Ms
    No one could preach like Bro Joey. Our prayer go out to his family.


    April 19, 2016 @ 8:24 pm



    April 19, 2016 @ 9:11 pm



  18. Vivian Brake
    April 19, 2016 @ 9:45 pm

    I’m remembering the years I was at OMC and Bro. Joey was in the Chaplain’s program. He was such a blessing to the patients and to me personally. He always made my day with his positive attitude, and of course, his jokes. He loved the Lord and loved to laugh as he ministered to so many people in our community. Trisha, please know that I will be remembering you in my prayers and asking God to provide comfort and strength in the days ahead.


  19. Chuck Aborn
    April 20, 2016 @ 5:05 am

    I was so sorry to hear of Joey passing away. He was a very special person (as are you). I will always remember and appreciate how good both of you have been to my family and how you always made me feel so welcome when I visited at Calvary. I pray that our God will strengthen and comfort you now and in the days ahead.


  20. JR & Teresa Alexander
    April 20, 2016 @ 7:36 am

    Sis. Tricia, we are so very sorry for your loss. We loved Bro. Joey so much. He is a big part of the reason we are on the road today. His ministry was unique, and his delivery was spectacular. There will never be another like him. We are holding you up in our prayers daily. You are precious to us.
    JR & Teresa Alexander


  21. James and Greta Horton
    April 20, 2016 @ 9:13 am

    We are deeply saddened by the death of Bro. Joey whom we have known for such a long time. When he was a young person at the Karnak church Dianne and Greta held revival there and became acquainted with Bro. Joey. Thank the lord for his bountiful life and his ability to bring cheer into hearts with words and music.
    We will be praying that God will comfort you and direct your path Sis. Tricia and that of the church as well.
    If we can be of help in any way, please know that we will be happy to do so.


  22. Danny Reed
    April 20, 2016 @ 12:37 pm

    One of the greatest preachers I have ever know! What a legacy he leaves behind!


  23. Bro Billy & Sis Pam Gordon
    April 20, 2016 @ 1:43 pm

    We are saddened at the death of this great man.He will always be one of my favorite preachers.Our prayers are with you Sis Hight


  24. Michael Alexander
    April 20, 2016 @ 2:26 pm

    Sis. Trish,
    We are praying for you. Bro. Joey was one of my heroes! I am honored to have known him. Some of my fondest memories from my life as an evangelist’s kid are being in your home and the kindness he always showed to my sister and I. He had a way of making everyone feel important.
    May God give you strength and comfort during this time. We love you!
    Michael Alexander and family


  25. Rev. Robert & LaQuieta Sheffield
    April 20, 2016 @ 3:33 pm

    Sis. Trish,
    May God grant you strength and grace during this difficult time. We are blessed to have known you and Bro. Joey, especially the times we enjoyed spending together at several camp meetings , especially at Florence Holiness Church and with your family whom we love so much. We love you and praying that will God Bless and comfort you.


  26. Curtis & Tammy Watts
    April 20, 2016 @ 3:46 pm

    Sis. Trish,
    We were so saddened to hear of Bro. Joey passing away. Although he has worked, ministered and lived for this very time it leaves you and so many others hurting and in such sorrow, but we know he is shouting on those streets of Glory! It just makes us want to press on. We are praying for you and I know our God will give you the strength and Grace you need in the days ahead. The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee: The Lord make His face to shine upon Thee, and be Gracious unto Thee: The Lord lift up His countenance upon Thee and give Thee peace.


  27. Martha Sikes
    April 20, 2016 @ 10:16 pm

    We will never forget the tremendous impact that Bro. Joey had on our lives in Alabama. He will never be forgotten and our love and prayers are with Sis. Tricia and all the family! Isaiah 41:10


  28. Jim & Kim Setser
    April 21, 2016 @ 11:39 am

    Tricia, we have no words that can make your sorrow less, but we are praying the Holy Spirit will provide the tangible touch of grace and healing for your grieving heart. The Kingdom of our God has welcomed home another Soldier…


  29. Robin Shoemaker
    April 21, 2016 @ 12:26 pm

    My heart goes out to you. God grant you comfort. Praying for you always.


  30. Daniel and Beth Friend
    April 21, 2016 @ 2:32 pm

    We are praying for you Sis Hight, your family and the church. We know GOD will see you through this tough time. He will never leave you or forsake you. May the Holy Ghost Comforter bless you with a peace that passeth all understanding.


  31. Bro. Michael and Faye Boutwell
    April 21, 2016 @ 6:07 pm

    Keep looking up. Our prayers are with you, your family, and your church.


  32. Patricia Knox
    April 21, 2016 @ 7:35 pm

    Tricia, I was so sorry to hear that Joey had passed away. The two of you had a great ministry together and have helped so many people, including me. I always enjoyed visiting Calvary, when I was in West Plains, and hearing Brother Joey preach. You and Joey were with me and my family during the most difficult times in our lives. I love you both, and appreciate everything you have done for my family. I was thinking about Joey preaching at my dad’s funeral, he asked the question, ” who will fill Brother Robert’s shoes”. I think Brother Joey’s shoes are going to be hard to fill too! I pray that God’s love will comfort you and give you peace.


  33. Gary &Linda Hampton
    April 21, 2016 @ 8:56 pm

    We send our condolences–Bro. Joey’s ministry was a great asset to God’s Kingdom– he will be greatly missed!


  34. Denise Losik
    April 22, 2016 @ 7:05 am

    Sis. Tricia, I was deeply saddened at the news I heard. I think alot of you and your husband. Bro. Joey has always been and always will be my favorite preacher. I have tapes of him and listen online as well to his messages. I’ve told him before how much he’s encouraged me. God really has used him in so many ways and now he’s getting his reward for it. I thank God for blessing everyone with y’all, cause y’all have been a blessing more than than y’all could ever know. Y’all made youth camps and camp meetings so much more interesting. Bro. Joey will be missed but at least we know we have that very blessed hope of seeing him again. I will keep you in my prayers cause I know it’s a very difficult time for you. One thing I know for sure that we can say today, “It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later”. He’ll be in that great homecoming with all the loved ones gone before cheering us in. I pray God will wrap His arms of peace and comfort around you.


  35. Jeff franve
    April 22, 2016 @ 9:30 am

    You will be greatly missed by the France family


  36. Elizabeth Southerland
    April 22, 2016 @ 9:55 am

    I can’t remember hearing Bro. Joey in person, but I have CD’s of his preaching that I have bought from meetings. I have enjoyed his preaching and his preaching has been a blessing. I have been praying for you and I’m sorry that you are going through this. But, God is always good and He will see you through this storm.


  37. Kathy Howard
    April 22, 2016 @ 12:10 pm

    Thoughts and prayers…


  38. Darrell & Karen Morgan
    April 22, 2016 @ 12:34 pm

    Sis. Tricia We love you and Bro. Joey so Much. We have so many memories of him coming to Fort Worth and then marrying you. Our girls thought it was great!. We shared so many youth camps with you and our children love to hear yall preach and sing and play. He was such a special person and had a great impact on our family. I cant stop the tears as I write this. We wish we could make it to the funeral but our prayers will be with you now and in the days to come. God will be faithful. He has proven that to us since losing Dustin. Sometimes we never get a why but we know they are there with Jesus and saying WISH YOU WERE HERE. Darrell, Karen Sue, Wendy, Shauna, Karla, Bubba and Alicia


  39. Tim Whitaker
    April 22, 2016 @ 8:13 pm

    Sis. Tricia, we have been lifting you, yours and Bro Joey’s family and your all’s church up in prayers. Words can not express the loss but I wanted to say how much I appreciate your alls ministry. The ministry you shared. The testimony that Bro Joey left behind. A true warrior of the Pentecostal Holiness movement has gone home. He will be missed. The Highway of Holiness will always be here for you. We have so much more to go to Heaven for than we had yesterday. The questions of why are there and it’s OK to ask why. We have to lean on He knows all and He Is there to hold you and comfort you in these hours that are ahead, God Bless you!!! Though we couldn’t be there in person we was with you in prayer and in our hearts. Bro Tim and Sis Pam Whitaker. Hamilton, OH


  40. Pastor Brent & Kristi Boutwell
    April 23, 2016 @ 8:33 pm

    Bro Joey will be greatly missed. He has been a tremendous blessing to our family. Ours prayers are with Sis Tricia and the church.


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